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Christmas is fast approaching, and I’m sure many are feeling the stress of the times. Take a few minutes to relax and hopefully chuckle, or think.

The items this week are all from the Twitter account and Facebook account of Unvirtuous Abbey. Enjoy.


For grandmothers who give us exactly what we want for our birthdays without even asking us, we give thanks. @SylviaDHook

For clergy who pray for our dear departed cats, we give thanks @RainicornMax

For those who insist that others get on the bus before them, we give thanks. @emdash29


For all the times I must explain that the Pastor takes a weekday off because he "works" on Sunday, Lord grant me patience. @mliztuck

For pastors who go to a bar and someone finds out you're a pastor, Lord, In your mercy. @roblee4

From triangulation deliver us, we pray, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. @UnvirtuousAbbey


-- Ann Warner